Sunday, May 13, 2012

To be a mother...

"Mother's hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever"

I would like to wish every mother, step-mother, and those who are like mothers a very special Mother's Day. Being a mother is one of the most, if not the most, rewarding job on this planet. To be entrusted with the life of another human being is the biggest responsibility that one could have. I recall the exact moment when I became a mother and I will forever cherish that moment.

Throughout my last 19 months of motherhood I have learned so much about my son, but more importantly I have learned so much about myself. I have learned what kind of mother I am, what kind of daughter I have been, and what kind of mother I wish to be as my children grow. The valuable lessons that I have learned are truly priceless and I have my son to thank for the many valuable lessons that I have learned. I never realized how much patience I could truly have and I never realized how much I could love another to the point that I would do anything for him. The following quote couldn't be more accurate. " Making a decision to have a child--it's mmomentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."

This is only my second Mother's Day, but I look forward to a life full of this wonderful celebration. Many times all of the sacrifices and hard work that we do as mothers gets overlooked or taken for granted so it is nice to get one special day out of the year that is dedicated to us! To us, all the mothers who have spent sleepless nights caring for our sick babies, who have cured scrapes and bruises with a simple kiss, who have wiped away tears and made everything better, us moms who nurture and love our children and would go to the end of the world for them.

Even though at times everything that you do may go unnoticed or unappreciated remember that without your love and sacrifices your children will not be who they are and have the values which they do. Your job as a mother is the most important job that you could ever have, so don't get discouraged, just look into those little eyes and at that precious smile and remember that one day all of your hard work will not go unnoticed and will pay off.

Monday, May 7, 2012

In the beginning...

So I had been contemplating staring a blog and at the urging of my fabulous husband I'm actually doing it! I figured that the best thing that I could blog about are things that I know or what is currently going on in my life. Before all of that I'll tell you a bit about myself...

My name is Michelle and I am a 26 year old first time mom to my amazing 19 month old son Gavin and I am currently pregnant with our second son who is due in exactly 20 days! I am so counting down the days to where I get to have my body all to myself again! Many people would say that I have my hands full and I couldn't agree more! Although there was a point in my life where my entire day didn't revolve around diapers, bottles, play dates, nap time, and Disney. Just like most moms I did actually have a life before having children! I'll tell you a little bit about that life. 

I was born in sunny Southern California and moved to Orlando Florida about 18 years ago as a young girl. I've been raised in Orlando, currently still reside here, and I proudly call it home. I attended the University of Central Florida and in May 2009 I obtained my Bachelor's Degree! Shortly upon graduating I got to put my hard earned (and expensive) degree to good use and began working at a local hospital. Unfortunately, my career didn't last very long as after 7 short months of working I found out that I was pregnant! I worked throughout the duration of my pregnancy and in September 2010 I gave birth to our first son, Gavin. Like every other mother, it was the most joyous event in my life! 

Originally the plan was for me to stay at home for three months for maternity leave and then I would return to work on a part-time basis. So I stayed with my amazing son for three full months and then the time came for me to return to work. I had hinted toward wanting to stay at home with him, but I reluctantly returned to work. My first day back at work I was miserable! I felt that my role as a mother to my son was more important than any job or "difference" that I was making with patients in the hospital. I spoke to my husband about this and explained how I felt. So at the end of my first day back at work I met with my manager and put in my two weeks notice. I had just signed myself up to be a full time stay at home mom! 

The past 19 months with my son have been an experience! I think I have experienced my happiest moments yet at the same time I have experienced my lowest points. The joy that my son brings me is truly something that I can not put into words and fills me with absolute happiness. But, at the same time I reflect back on my pre-baby and stay at home mom life and I am left with many "what-ifs". Ultimately I was the one who made the decision to stay at home with my son and to have this life and it is hands down a decision that I do not for a second regret. So now instead of having days filled with patients, nurses, and doctors my days are consumed with diapers, bottles, and play dates! 

For the past 19 months I have gotten to know my son and gotten to know myself as a mother and I feel like I finally have a handle on things! So you can imagine my nervousness when I begin to think of how drastically everything is going to change in 20 days or less when my happy little family grows from the three or us to the four of us! 

So this is pretty much me, well in the short blog setting anyway. A 26 year old first time, stay at home mom to two boys under two! Here I will chronicle my experiences of being a young mom to two boys and being the only female in a clearly male dominated household, eeek! I hope you enjoy reading about my family and my adventures with my two Badillo Boys!